Wilderness & Standard First Aid Training
Know before you go!
Wilderness First Aid
Survival Booklet
Standard First Aid & CPR C
2 Day Course - 8hrs Online + 8hrs In classroom
Offered year around on weekends for private groups.
This two-day blended online course that covers all OH&S Work Place requirements in Alberta. The course includes Level C CPR/AED training and certification (Adult, Child, Infant).
Required: Minimum of 6 participants required to confirm course dates. Contact our office directly for the next available dates.
Required: Register at least 7 days prior to course dates.
Upon completion, participants receive a certificate valid for 3 years.
This course meets Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) and Workplace First Aid (WFA) standards.
This course meets the CSA standards for First Aid.
Currently only accepting groups of 6+
Contact us if dates are not listed.
Wilderness First Aid
The Wilderness First Aid Level III (Advanced) course is designed to fit into a 3-day format that will be done over 2 weekends from the date booked. All three days are done in out outdoor classroom. Students will be outdoors everyday doing hands-on training in the field.
Prerequisite: Standard First Aid (16hrs) + CPR C
Participants will receive an Advanced Wilderness First Aid Level 3 certificate that is not assumed to meet any specific workplace requirement. Students will have completed 40hrs (16hr+24hr) of first aid training.
The program focuses on adapting First Aid skills as needed, based on availability of supplies, the environment, and additional factors encountered in a remote setting. The program is intended to compliment wilderness survival training and does not replace that skill set.
COURSE INCLUDES: Knots and What Nots Field Booklet, Manual, and Pocket First Aid Kit
Contact us if dates are unavailable. Minimum group size is 6.
Wilderness First Aid Course Includes:
Knots and What Nots, Pocket First Aid Kit, Wilderness First Aid Manual
This is a 3-day course.
Standard First Aid & CPR C
Core elements:
Wilderness basics and planning trips
Emergency scene management
Adult resuscitation
Severe bleeding, wound care, bites and stings
Medical conditions
Bone and joint injuries - recognition and manual stabilization
Environmental emergencies
Courses and modules include both classroom and outdoor lessons. Lessons include lectures, inquiry based learning, case study analysis, group discussions and field practice. Students’ own experience is used to deepen learning and strengthen the understanding of principles supporting good leadership. A final exam tests the knowledge elements of the course.
Course fees provide revenue to support local first-aid partner providers for Saint John Ambulance. We provide top quality public training at a reasonable price in order to help carry out the mandates of community service and First Aid training for as many people as possible. Course prices include materials, registration and instructional fees. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Method of Payment
All fees must be paid in advance using Visa, Mastercard or Debit. Advance credit approval must be obtained for corporate invoicing.
Most First Aid course certificates are valid for three years. We recommend annual CPR / AED training.
Certificate Portability
Each province and federal department has its own First Aid legislation and specific requirements for Occupational Health and Safety compliance. Where certificate portability is required from one jurisdiction to another, please consult your provincial OH&S office for further information.
Certificate Replacement
St John Ambulance certificates are numbered and electronically recorded in a centralized national database. Replacement certificates can be obtained at any of our locations. Identification is required. The fee is $10.
All cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) modules and courses are taught to St John Ambulance national standards, which are in accordance with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) recommendations.
Class Cancellations
We reserves the right to cancel classes that do not reach the minimum enrollment requirements or for extenuating circumstances. Every effort will be made to notify all registrants in a timely manner prior to the class start date. Fees for cancelled classes will be refunded in full or applied to another course upon request.
Student Withdrawals
Students may formally withdraw from a class by contacting us prior to the class start date by telephone, fax, or email. Students and companies are held responsible for courses in which they are registered until they formally withdraw from the course(s) within the refund deadline dates. Please note: Non-attendance does not constitute a formal withdrawal.
Students are eligible for a 100% refund less an administrative charge of $40 if they formally withdraw at least five business days prior to the class start date The withdrawal refund may be applied to another course upon request.
Students may transfer to another course right up to the beginning of the original course. Once the original course begins and no transfer request has been made, it is considered a “no show”.
Private Groups
For private group course registrations, companies and groups are eligible for a 100% refund less the administrative charge of $150 if they formally withdraw at least two business days prior to the class start date.
Failure to formally withdraw from a course within the published deadlines above will result in no refund provided.
Students who attend but are unsuccessful in courses are not eligible for refunds.